Course Details
BDT 30000 ( 33% OFF )
Mern Stack Development
Add to CartCourse Type : Offline Total class : 42 Course Duration : 4 Months Course Start : For inquiries please call us Available Seat : ২ টি আসন রয়েছে
- HTML,CSS,Tailwind
- Debugging, Devtool
- Java Script, React
- Node, Express, Mongodb
- API, JWT Token
- Github, Netify
1- Web Development
Introduction of MERN Stack
2: HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
Introduction to HTML
HTML Elements, Attributes
Page Creation with Formatting Elements
Creating Links and Navigating, Redirecting Pages
Displaying the Images, Adjustment of Images
3: Organizing data with Tables
Displaying data in Listings
Creating Forms and Layouts with Fields and Input
Implementing the Semantic Elements (latest HTML elements)
Working with Audio and Video (Media Objects)
4: Introduction to CSS
Implementing the Three Different ways of Styles: Inline,
Embedded and External to HTML Content
Applying the Web Colors to HTML Content
Applying different properties padding, margin, float, font
5: Creating the Web Page with Content
Creating the Grid Layout with Sample Content with Responsive
Working with Media Queries
Introduction to Bootstrap, Usage, Advantages
6: Resolutions
Discussing about different types of Resolutions
Implementing the Bootstrap Required Links into Web Pages
Create the Fixed Width, Fluid Width Web Pages
Implementing the Components of Bootstrap:
Tables, Lists, Forms, Images
6: JavaScript
Introduction about JavaScript, DOM
Writing the Programs and Displaying the Data
Understanding about Keywords, Identifiers
Implementing Statement
Loop Statements
7: Working with Arrays
Implementing with Examples
Understanding the Concept of Functions: Call and Define,
Functions with Parameters, Return Statement, Arrow Functions,
Applying JavaScript (internal and external)
8: Understanding JS Syntax
Introduction to Document and Window Object
Variables and Operators
Data Types and Num Type Conversion
Math and String Manipulation
9: Objects and Arrays
Date and Time
Conditional Statements
Switch Case
Looping in JS
10: Object-Oriented Programming
Object, Property and terminology
Creating concept with Class and Object
Methods, Properties, and Accessing the Data
11: ECMA
ECMA Script Introduction
Working with Loops
Spread Operators
Map Object with Set and Get
Promise, Async and Await with Promise
12: React JS Introduction
Scope of React JS
Terminology of React JS
Single Page Application
React JS Architecture
13: React JS About
React JS Environment
Project in React JS
Project Folder & Files Structure
Working with assets – HTML, CSS, Images, JavaScript in React JS
14: What is Component?
Creating new Component
Accessing Created Component
Working with Re-Usable Component
React Fragments
15: Props and State
Understanding the Terms: ‘props and ‘state’
Implementing the ‘props’ into Component
Creating the ‘state’ object
Setting the ‘properties’
Working with Event Handlers
Conditional Rendering
16: and Keys in React JSLists
Composition Vs Inheritance
Higher Order Components
Type checking with Prop Types
Creating the methods into Component
17: Methods
Definition of methods
Passing ‘parameters’ into methods
Concept of Property Binding
18: User input value, accessing value
Creating Component and accessing ‘state’
Creating the CRUD operations
Concept of Routing
Component(s) and alignment
19: Routing
Introduction to WEB Apps
Error Boundaries
Progressive WEB Apps with React
React with TypeScript
Data from RESTAPI into Component
20: React JS UI Framework
Working with Form
Two – Way Property Binding
Validation with Error Hints
Regular Expressions to Input Fields
21: Concept of Observables
Working with the concept of Services
Implementing Observables & Subscribe with
Implementing the concept of Observables & Subscribe with
Services using RESTAPI
Understanding the Terms: babel, webpack
22: Concept of Redux
Understanding Component, Data Store
Understanding and implementing the concept of Redux
Introduction middleware
Need of middle ware in React JS
Understanding: Saga
Implementing functionality of Redux with Saga
23: Life Cycle Hooks
Usage of Life Cycle Hooks
Types of Life Cycle Hooks
Class Based Life Cycle
Functional Based Life Cycle Hooks
Class Based Life Cycle Hooks and its method
24: Concept of Styled Components
React JS Developer Tools
Implementing Context API
Implementing Unit Tests in React JS
Creating Application in React JS
Introduction Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
Implementing Server-Side Rendering in React JS
25: Node JS and Express JS
Introduction to Node JS
Advantages of Node JS
Traditional Web Server Model
Node JS Process Model
26: Working with REPL
Node JS Console
Node JS Modules
27: Modules
Module Types
Core Modules
Local Modules
Module exports
28: Node Package Manager
About NPM?
Installing Packages Locally
Adding Dependency in package
Installing packages globally
29: Server
Updating packages
Creating Web Server
Creating Web Server
Handling Http Requests
Sending Requests
30: File System
Reading a File Asynchronously / Synchronously
Writing a File Asynchronously / Synchronously
Opening a File
Deleting a File
31: IO Operations
Debugging Node JS Application
Core Node JS Debugger
Debugging with Visual Studio Code
Event Emitter Class
Returning Event Emitter
Inhering Events
32: Express JS
Introduction to Express JS
Env., Setup of Express JS
Creating a Static Routing & Dynamic Routing
33: Working with HTTP Methods
Creating the URL Building
Using Middleware Functions
Creating a Templating
Working with Static Files
Parsing Form Data
Parsing & Fetching & Connecting with Database
34: Cookies & Sessions
Restful API
Error Handling
35: MongoDB
Introduction to MongoDB
Differences SQL vs NoSQL
Features & Advantages of MongoDB
Installing MongoDB with Compass
Understanding terminology
Database, Collection, Document
36: Commands in MongoDB
Creating Database, Drop Database
Creating Collection, Drop Collection
Insert, Update, Delete the Documents
37: Writing Conditions while Retrieving
Updating the Documents
Data Aggregation
Working with Index
Types of Index
38: Components Introduction
Functional Components
Parent, Child Components
State and its Method
Props in Class Component
Props in Functional Components
40: Understanding Asynchronous Event Driven Programming
Broadcasting Events
Listening for Events
Understanding the Event Loop
Callbacks and errors
41: Streaming Data Across Node And clients
Exporting Steams
Creating and HTTP Server
The Request objects
Working with Headers
Handling Post Data
42: Introduction to Express
What is use of Express Framework?
Install Node and necessary dependencies
43: Getting Started with Express
Express: The Basics
Basic Routing
Serving Static Files
44: Middleware and Rendering
Express Middleware
Responding with JSON
Express with View Engine
API/ Server-Side rendering
45: Request & Response
Request Object – Forms and Cookies
Query String
Data Params
Express Generator
46: Project: Building API
Project Overview and Setup
Routes and Middleware
Movie Routes and Headers
47: Relational Database and SQL
Node & MYSQL
NoSQL and Documents
48: CRUD operation using MongoDB
Working with MySQL
CRUD Operation using MYSQL