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Mern Stack Development

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Course Type : Offline Total class : 42 Course Duration : 4 Months Course Start : For inquiries please call us Available Seat : ২ টি আসন রয়েছে
  • HTML,CSS,Tailwind
  • Debugging, Devtool
  • Java Script, React
  • Node, Express, Mongodb
  • API, JWT Token
  • Github, Netify


1- Web Development
 Introduction of MERN Stack
 GitHub

2: HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
 Introduction to HTML
 HTML Elements, Attributes
 Page Creation with Formatting Elements
 Creating Links and Navigating, Redirecting Pages
 Displaying the Images, Adjustment of Images

3: Organizing data with Tables
 Displaying data in Listings
 Creating Forms and Layouts with Fields and Input
 Implementing the Semantic Elements (latest HTML elements)
 Working with Audio and Video (Media Objects)

4: Introduction to CSS
 Implementing the Three Different ways of Styles: Inline,
 Embedded and External to HTML Content
 Applying the Web Colors to HTML Content
 Applying different properties padding, margin, float, font

5: Creating the Web Page with Content
 Creating the Grid Layout with Sample Content with Responsive
 Working with Media Queries
 Introduction to Bootstrap, Usage, Advantages

6: Resolutions
 Discussing about different types of Resolutions
 Implementing the Bootstrap Required Links into Web Pages
 Create the Fixed Width, Fluid Width Web Pages
 Implementing the Components of Bootstrap:
 Tables, Lists, Forms, Images

6: JavaScript
 Introduction about JavaScript, DOM
 Writing the Programs and Displaying the Data
 Understanding about Keywords, Identifiers
 Implementing Statement
 Loop Statements

7: Working with Arrays
 Implementing with Examples
 Understanding the Concept of Functions: Call and Define,
 Functions with Parameters, Return Statement, Arrow Functions,
 Applying JavaScript (internal and external)

8: Understanding JS Syntax
 Introduction to Document and Window Object
 Variables and Operators
 Data Types and Num Type Conversion
 Math and String Manipulation

9: Objects and Arrays
 Date and Time
 Conditional Statements
 Switch Case 
 Looping in JS

10: Object-Oriented Programming
 Object, Property and terminology
 Creating concept with Class and Object
 Methods, Properties, and Accessing the Data

11: ECMA
 ECMA Script Introduction
 Working with Loops
 Spread Operators
 Map Object with Set and Get
 Promise, Async and Await with Promise

12: React JS Introduction
 Scope of React JS
 Terminology of React JS
 Single Page Application
 React JS Architecture

13: React JS About
 React JS Environment
 Project in React JS
 Project Folder & Files Structure
 Working with assets – HTML, CSS, Images, JavaScript in React JS

14: What is Component?
 Creating new Component
 Accessing Created Component
 Working with Re-Usable Component
 React Fragments

15: Props and State
 Understanding the Terms: ‘props and ‘state’
 Implementing the ‘props’ into Component
 Creating the ‘state’ object
 Setting the ‘properties’
 Working with Event Handlers
 Conditional Rendering

16: and Keys in React JSLists
 Composition Vs Inheritance
 Higher Order Components
 Type checking with Prop Types
 Creating the methods into Component

17: Methods
 Definition of methods
 Passing ‘parameters’ into methods
 Concept of Property Binding

18: User input value, accessing value
 Creating Component and accessing ‘state’
 Creating the CRUD operations
 Concept of Routing
 Component(s) and alignment

19: Routing
 Introduction to WEB Apps
 Error Boundaries
 Progressive WEB Apps with React
 React with TypeScript
 Data from RESTAPI into Component

20: React JS UI Framework
 Working with Form
 Two – Way Property Binding
 Validation with Error Hints
 Regular Expressions to Input Fields

21: Concept of Observables
 Working with the concept of Services
 Implementing Observables & Subscribe with
 Services
 Implementing the concept of Observables & Subscribe with
 Services using RESTAPI
 Understanding the Terms: babel, webpack

22: Concept of Redux
 Understanding Component, Data Store

 Understanding and implementing the concept of Redux
 Introduction middleware
 Need of middle ware in React JS
 Understanding: Saga
 Implementing functionality of Redux with Saga

23: Life Cycle Hooks
 Usage of Life Cycle Hooks
 Types of Life Cycle Hooks
 Class Based Life Cycle
 Functional Based Life Cycle Hooks
 Class Based Life Cycle Hooks and its method

24: Concept of Styled Components
 React JS Developer Tools
 Implementing Context API
 Implementing Unit Tests in React JS
 Creating Application in React JS
 Introduction Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
 Implementing Server-Side Rendering in React JS

25: Node JS and Express JS
 Introduction to Node JS
 Advantages of Node JS
 Traditional Web Server Model
 Node JS Process Model

26: Working with REPL
 Node JS Console
 Node JS Modules
 Functions
 Buffer

27: Modules
 Module Types
 Core Modules
 Local Modules
 Module exports

28: Node Package Manager
 About NPM?
 Installing Packages Locally
 Adding Dependency in package
 Installing packages globally

29: Server
 Updating packages
 Creating Web Server

 Creating Web Server
 Handling Http Requests
 Sending Requests

30: File System
 Reading a File Asynchronously / Synchronously
 Writing a File Asynchronously / Synchronously
 Opening a File
 Deleting a File

31: IO Operations
 Debugging Node JS Application
 Core Node JS Debugger
 Debugging with Visual Studio Code
 Events
 Event Emitter Class
 Returning Event Emitter
 Inhering Events

32: Express JS
 Introduction to Express JS
 Env., Setup of Express JS
 Creating a Static Routing & Dynamic Routing

33: Working with HTTP Methods
 Creating the URL Building
 Using Middleware Functions
 Creating a Templating
 Working with Static Files
 Parsing Form Data
 Parsing & Fetching & Connecting with Database

34: Cookies & Sessions
 Authentication
 Restful API
 Scaffolding
 Error Handling
 Debugging

35: MongoDB
 Introduction to MongoDB
 Differences SQL vs NoSQL
 Features & Advantages of MongoDB
 Installing MongoDB with Compass
 Understanding terminology
 Database, Collection, Document

36: Commands in MongoDB
 Creating Database, Drop Database
 Creating Collection, Drop Collection
 Insert, Update, Delete the Documents

37: Writing Conditions while Retrieving
 Updating the Documents
 Data Aggregation
 Working with Index
 Types of Index

38: Components Introduction
 Functional Components
 Parent, Child Components
 State and its Method
 Props in Class Component
 Props in Functional Components

 40: Understanding Asynchronous Event Driven Programming
 Broadcasting Events
 Listening for Events
 Timers
 Understanding the Event Loop
 Callbacks and errors

41: Streaming Data Across Node And clients
 Exporting Steams
 Creating and HTTP Server
 The Request objects
 Working with Headers
 Handling Post Data

42: Introduction to Express
 What is use of Express Framework?
 Install Node and necessary dependencies

43: Getting Started with Express
 Express: The Basics
 Basic Routing
 Serving Static Files

44: Middleware and Rendering
 Express Middleware
 Responding with JSON

 Express with View Engine
 API/ Server-Side rendering

45: Request & Response
 Request Object – Forms and Cookies
 Query String
 Data Params
 Headers
 Router
 Express Generator

46: Project: Building API
 Project Overview and Setup
 Routes and Middleware
 Movie Routes and Headers

47: Relational Database and SQL
 Node & MYSQL
 NoSQL and Documents

48: CRUD operation using MongoDB
 Working with MySQL
 CRUD Operation using MYSQL